May 21st Updates
This has been a frustrating spring for everybody. Our lives have all been upended and thrown into a bit of chaos. At the Driftless Angler, we believe that the health of our staff, clients, and community comes first. We are looking at a return to guiding with some restrictions starting June 1st. As of now the storefront remains closed and will continue to ship items. We are looking at starting curbside pickup/drivethrough after the holiday weekend.
If you are coming into the area, please be aware that Vernon, Richland, and Crawford county are just now (within the past 2 weeks) starting to see their first cases of covid-19 and the numbers are rising each day. Services are still very limited as many stores, restaurants, and campgrounds etc remain closed until things calm down.
Please be respectful of local landowners, and each other! Unfortunately there have been some anglers not following the rules (trespassing, cutting fence etc) this spring and we have already lost a handful of landowner friendly properties because of it. If we want to continue to be welcomed as anglers, please make sure you are on better than your best behavior!!
The fishing has been good with creeks clear to slightly stained (the rains did little to muddy things sphere) and water temperatures in the low to mid 50s. We are seeing sulphurs and caddis hatching with fish sporadically rising throughout the day. Subsurface fishing has been best on scuds and heavy bead heads in the riffles.