January 5th Fishing Report
Mostly sunny, with a high near 32. Calm windCold, but sunny. Perfect early season conditions to catch fish and possibly a midge hatch!
Remember to fish rising water temperatures. As the sun warms the water up, the bugs get active and the fish follow soon after. Once the snowmelt hits the creeks things shut down pretty quickly. Your best window is between 10-2.
Creeks are low and crystal clear. Fish aren't as spooky as they tend to feed heavily in the middle part of the day this time of year, but still approach with as much stealth as possible.
Midges are showing up daily, not in major numbers, but we have seen sporadic rising fish every day so far. Subsurface fishing is best on heavy, thin bodied bugs. Up top, the user friendly in BWO is always fantastic as an overall midge dry.